
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2009

The crime at 27, Arvoredo Street

The crime at 27, Arvoredo Street In 1864, the police discovered at 27, Arvoredo Street in Porto Alegre, (city in So uth of Brazil), a body in advanced decomposition in the basement. A sexy, Bulgarian woman attracted many men to her house. She was called Catharina… Her lover had murdered men to get with victim’s money. He used to kill with an axe and cut victim’s head. The first victim was a German man, called Carlos, Catharina’s husband. The murder was Catharina's lover. They were accomplices in many murders. They had hidden crimes with peculiar form. The bones were dissolving in acid, while they had made sausages with victims body. Might have been legend, but the sausages had sold to people, and said that the sausages were really delicious…

Diary 2

Well, in a month I return to Brazil. I`m not very happy, because I like it in London, but I need to decide many things in Brazil, mainly my future. I have to be in the flesh with my boyfriend and to talk about my experience in London. I met many people naturally many things changed in my mind. Nowadays I have another vision about my life and the world… It`s very fun how travelling abroad can change a person. I mean, I didn`t change but quite honestly, I must be different to other people. Basically, I`m very happy at this moment… same as with many problems that I had here in London. I will never forget London… Never! I need guts to return home. In the next year I`ll look for a job. But if I don’t get a new position… it can all change! I might come back to London… A song to London... The Fray -

To live in London : diary 1

I have lived in London for four months… many news, many images, many people. London is a cosmopolitan!!! When I arrived here, I didn`t know how long I would be here... I had many doubts, many fears… But I met many people with the same objective, and they became my friends immediately. I met a brazilian couple, and I`m absolutely sure that them will be my friends for ever. Francine is a Designer and dreams of having a studio here, her husband is a Musician (he plays the guittar and sings). She and I have tried to sell crafts in the market with another Brazilian called Rodrigo, but it seem that English people don`t like to buy thing. L Tiago plays every Saturday night… He plays songs by: David Bowie, Beatles, The Police, A-ha. Step by step they are drawing a history in London. Well, about me, I will have been in London for five moths and half, and I know that I will miss London, but I`m looking forward to coming back to Brazil, to see the beaches, my family, my friends and my dear city c...

Entrelinhas de minha estada em Londres

Pessoal - desculpa mas meu computador nao esta mais acentuado... so... Viver em Londres depois de um tempinho e como estar em qualquer outro lugar que pra sobreviver você precisa do apoio de outras pessoas. Desde que coloquei meus pés aqui tenho sido ajudada por muitas pessoas e de certa forma ajudando como posso, nem que seja no apoio moral...talvez a moeda de maior valor em qualquer lugar do mundo.Meu primeiro teste foi ao sair da imigração... simplesmente esqueci uma sacolinha onde estavam algumas anotações, um livro sobre a Europa e pra minha surpresa, também tinha guardado minha máquina de fotografias digital... Apos comunicar minha perda, em 10min já estava com ela em mãos. E quando cheguei na minha acomodacao e não havia ninguém pra me receber meu desespero ainda piorou. O rapaz de um pub me ajudou, mas meu inglês e nervosimos so atrapalharam. Depois troquei dinheiro de papel por moedas e telefonei pros contatos brasileiros que tinha e localizei um anjinho chamado Eliza e as nuv...