The crime at 27, Arvoredo Street
The crime at 27, Arvoredo Street In 1864, the police discovered at 27, Arvoredo Street in Porto Alegre, (city in So uth of Brazil), a body in advanced decomposition in the basement. A sexy, Bulgarian woman attracted many men to her house. She was called Catharina… Her lover had murdered men to get with victim’s money. He used to kill with an axe and cut victim’s head. The first victim was a German man, called Carlos, Catharina’s husband. The murder was Catharina's lover. They were accomplices in many murders. They had hidden crimes with peculiar form. The bones were dissolving in acid, while they had made sausages with victims body. Might have been legend, but the sausages had sold to people, and said that the sausages were really delicious…